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Simon Meacham, 1782

Simon /Meacham/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: 25 December 1748 32 22 Western, Ma
Death: 16 August 1828Richland, N.Y.
Birth: 4 September 1758 34 Norwich, Ct
Death: 13 January 1840Richland, N.Y.
Marriage Marriage20 September 1776Williamstown, Ma
9 years
younger brother
-8 years
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
3 years
6 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
4 years
younger brother
19 months
younger brother
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
Death of a father
Death of a mother
Unique identifier
Last change
13 May 201506:12:06
Author of last change: Danny

The first town meeting in Richland was held at the house of Ephr
aim Brewster1807 and the following persons were elected. Josep
h Hurd - Supervisor, William Hale - town Clerk. George Harding
, John Meacham, Joseph Chase - Assessors, Issac Meacham, Gersha
m Hale - Overseers of the poor Simon Meacham, Elias Howe and j
. Nathan Rhodes. - Commisioners of highways. The Meachams presi
dedin the present town of Sandy Creek. Simon Meacham was super
visor of Richland, N.Y. from 1817 - 19, 1822, 1824 -25. S. H. M
eacham 1854 Town Clerks of Richland, N.Y. Simon Meacham 1810-16
. D.B. Meacham 1854-55, 1857-63, 1871-77.He held the office f
or nearly 16 years. In 1825 Richland became Sandy Creek, NY. T
he First Congregational Church of Pulaski NY organized as a chur
chin Pawlet, Vt by the Meachams leaving that place ofr Richlan
d NY before departure. It consisted of nine members, Thaddeu
s Harmon, Isaac Meacham, Levi Meacham, Joel Harmon, Simon Meacha
m, Lucy Meacham, Olive Hail, Polly Meacham,and Harmon
. The society was organized with the name of the First Congrega
tional Society and Church of Richland on January 22, 1811. Th
e meeting for this purpose was held by previous notice and in le
gal form at the houseof Erasus Kellogg in said town, and the ac
t of incorporation was legally consummated and papers filed in t
he country clerk's office February 25, 1811. The first trestee
s were Timothy Maltby, Silas Harmon, Ruful Pieree, John Meacham
, Erastus Kellogg, Dr. Moses R. Porter and Simon Meacham. The
y moved inand occupied a school house which was then located i
n the present site of theland-office, and was after a time remo
ved to the present locality of the Baptist Church. The first ch
urch edifice was erected in 1827, and completed anddedicated i
n 1828. Estimated cost about 2,000. It was located on Church S
treet, a little North and east of the present location of the sa
me building,which is now occupied and used as a school house
. The last Church service held in this building July 8, 1865, R
ev. David Sear of Rodman preached being then in his eighty fift
h year. He preached its first sermon after its erection, and ad
ministered the first communion service. The present h ouse of w
orship located on the corner of Lake and Church streets was star
ted in 1865 andcompleted in the spring of 1867 and dedicated Ap
ril 24, 1867. Estimated cost $16,000. The largest gift made to
wards the erection of this Church was $1500.00 by Deacon Simon M
eacham, whose name is identified with the early history of the c
hurch as a member of the Church when first organized in Pawlet
, VT., also one of its first deacons, and a member of the firs
t board of trustees.