The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Stephen V King of Hungary, 12391272 (aged 33 years)

Stephen V // King of Hungary
Given names
Stephen V
Name suffix
King of Hungary
1239 33
Death of a father
1272 (aged 33 years)
Unique identifier
Last change
24 January 201118:40:24
Author of last change: Danny

As crown prince, Stephen assisted his father in bringing the war against
the Mongol invaders to a victorious conclusion. In 1260 he was hurt in a
Battle against Ottokar II, king of Bohemia (1230-78), in which the
Hungarians were defeated and forced to surrender Styria (now part of
Austria), a region that had been partly under his rule. Stephen thereafter
compelled his father to cede a large part of Hungary to him for his sole
rule. Stephen invaded Bulgaria in 1268 and assumed the title of king of
Bulgaria. On the Death of B? in 1270, he succeeded to the Hungarian
throne. In the following year he repulsed an invasion by Ottokar.