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Shepseskare Isi (Shepseskare Sisiris) (Prince Netjerirenre)

Shepseskare Isi (Shepseskare Sisiris) (Prince Netjerirenre) //
Name prefix
Pharaoh of Egypt (2455-2488 BC)
Given names
Shepseskare Isi (Shepseskare, Sisiris) (Prince Netjerirenre)
Family with parents
Marriage Marriage
Death of a paternal grandfather
Death of a father
Last change
4 December 201123:57:52
Author of last change: Danny

Shepseskare was a pharaoh of Egypt in the 5th Dynasty (2498-2345 BC), third of four dynasties in the Old Kingdom Period.

The state of the unfinished Abusir pyramid tells us that this King's reign was unexpectedly cut short. However, both the Turin King List and Manetho state that Shepseskare ruled Egypt for seven years.

The only artifacts known for Shepseskare's reign are several clay sealings from Abusir, where the King may have been buried, and two cylinder seals, according to the respected Czech Egyptologist Miroslav Verner.

Verner advocates the hypothesis that Shepseskare succeeded, rather than preceded, Neferefre based upon the archaeological context of the 1982 discovery of several new clay seal impressions bearing this King's name - Horus Sekhemkau - in theoldest part of Neferere's mortuary Temple, which was not built until Neferefre's death. This appears to show that Shepseskare ruled after - rather than before - Neferefre. As Verner observes, while Shepseskare is noted as the immediatepredecessor of Neferefre in the Egyptian King-lists, this slight discrepancy can be attributed to the [political] disorders of the time and its dynastic disputes. Shepseskare may have been a son of Sahure who briefly seized power after thepremature death of Neferefre. Verner stresses that the progress of Shepseskare's intended pyramid at Abusir, which is unfinished and is situated just north of Sahure's own pyramid, was interrupted [and] corresponds to the Work of several weeks,perhaps no More than one or two months. In fact, the place was merely levelled and the excavation of the pit for the construction of the underground funerary apartment had only commenced. Moreover, the owner of the building obviously wanted todemonstrate by his choice of place (half-way between Sahure's pyramid and the sun Temple of Userkaf) his relationship to either Sahure or Userkaf. Theoretically, only 2 Kings of the 5th Dynasty whose pyramids had not yet been identified can betaken into consideration - Shepseskara or Menkauhor. However, according to a number of contemporaneous documents, Menkauhor ... probably completed his pyramid elsewhere, in North Saqqara or Dahshur. Shepseskara, therefore, seems to be thelikelier owner of the unfinished platform for a pyramid in North Abusir. Anyway, the builder of the platform [ie: Shepseskare] must have reigned for a very short time.

In Verner's view, Shepseskare was a son of Sahure who attempted to continue his family's royal line; hence, the close proximity of his pyramid next to Sahure's. His claim to the throne was thwarted by Niuserre, Neferefre's younger brother andthe younger son of King Neferirkare and Queen Khentkaus II. Khentkaus II's pivotal role in Niuserre's eventual accession to the throne might explain her high esteem in Egyptian folklore and the additional enlargement and upgrading of hermortuary Temple by Nyuserre.

The contemporary sources also show that this King's reign was extremely short: the stela of the 5th dynasty official Khau-Ptah lists an uninterrupted sequence of Kings whom he served under namely Sahure, Neferirkare, Neferefre and Niuserre. Nomention whatsoever occurs for a King "Shepseskare" between Neferirkare and Neferefre. Since the Turin King-list was a later New Kingdom document from the reign of Ramesses II while the Manetho's Epitome dates from the 3rd century BC underPtolemy II, Khau-Ptah's contemporary account can be regarded as a More accurate Reading of the political situation during the 5th dynasty. If Shepseskare had ruled Egypt for 7 years between Neferirkare and Neferefre, it seems inconceivable thatKhau-Ptah would have failed to list his service under this King - especially since Neferefre had a reign of only between 1 to 2 years. Consequently, the monumental record points to a reign lasting no More than a few months for Shepseskare.