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Pharaoh of Egypt Sankhenre Sewadjtu

Pharaoh of Egypt Sankhenre Sewadjtu //
Name prefix
Pharaoh of Egypt
Given names
Sankhenre Sewadjtu
Last change
25 February 201120:27:06
Author of last change: Danny

Sankhenre Sewadjtu was a pharaoh of Egypt in the 13th dynasty. He is almost unknown from contemporary historical records since he ruled Egypt at a time when the 13th Dynasty's control over all of Egypt was receding. He is listed as thesuccessor of Ini in the Turin Canon.


Sankhenre Sewadjtu was a pharaoh of Egypt in the 13th dynasty. He is almost unknown from contemporary historical records since he ruled Egypt at a time when the 13th Dynasty's control over all of Egypt was receding. He is listed as thesuccessor of Ini in the Turin Canon.