The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Pharaoh of Egypt (1627-1601 BC) Sewadjenre Nebiriau (Nebiriau I or Nebiryerawet I) , 1601 BC

Pharaoh of Egypt (1627-1601 BC) Sewadjenre Nebiriau (Nebiriau I or Nebiryerawet I) //
Name prefix
Pharaoh of Egypt (1627-1601 BC)
Given names
Sewadjenre Nebiriau (Nebiriau I or Nebiryerawet I)
Death of a father
Last change
2 December 201111:38:36
Author of last change: Danny

Nebiriau I was a pharaoh of Egypt of the 16th or 17th Theban dynasty based in Upper Egypt during the Second intermediate period. Nebiriau I reigned for 26 years according to the Turin Canon and was succeeded by Nebiriau II who may have been hisson. All the published seals of Nebiriau I were made of clay or frit rather than steatite which implies there were no mining expeditions dispatched to the Eastern Desert region of Egypt during his reign. Two seals of this King were found atLisht deep in Hyksos territory which might imply diplomatic contact between the Theban dynasty and the Hyksos during Nebiriau I's reign, although this is uncertain. A small stela showing the King in front of Maat is part of the Egyptiancollection located in Bonn.