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Pharaoh of Egypt (2558-2532 BC) Khafra (Chephren, Khaf-Re, Khauf-Re, Khafre, Khephren or Rachaf) + Queen of Egypt Persenet

Facts and events


Persenet (Personet, Per-sent) was an ancient Egyptian queen consort of the 4th dynasty. She may have been a daughter of King Khufu and a wife of King Khafra. She is mainly known from her tomb at Giza (G 8156).

The position of her tomb suggests that she was the wife of king Khafre and possibly a daughter of Khufu. Persenet may be the mother of the vizier Nikaure.

Persenet's tomb is LG 88 in Giza using the numbering introduced by Lepsius. It is also given the designation G 8156. The tomb is a rock-cut mastaba located in the Central Field which is part of the Giza Necropolis.

Persenet's tomb is adjacent to that of Nikaure and were probably constructed at the same time. Persenet's be entered through and entrance in the south wall or an entrance in the east wall which connects to the tomb of Nikaure. Thechamber is L-shaped and contains two pillars. There are no decorations on the walls but the pillars are inscribed.

Last change
27 July 201304:20:03
Author of last change: Danny