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Pepi I Merye (Pepy, Phiops or Fiops) + Ankhesenpepi I

Facts and events


Pepi I Meryre was a pharaoh of Egypt in the 6th Dynasty (2345-2181 BC), fourth of four dynasties in the Old Kingdom Period.

His reign was Marked by aggressive expansion into Nubia, the spRead of trade to far-flung areas such as Lebanon and the Somalian coast, but also the growing power of the nobility. One of the king's officials named Weni fought in Asia on hisbehalf. Pepi's mortuary complex, Mennefer Pepy, eventually became the name for the entire city of Memphis after the 18th Dynasty.

The decline of the Old Kingdom arguably began during Pepi I’s reign, with nomarchs (regional representatives of the king) becoming More powerful and exerting greater influence. Pepi I married two sisters – Ankhesenpepi I and II – who were thedaughters of a nomarch and Upper Egyptian vizier, Nebet, and later made their brother, Djau, a vizier. The two sisters' influence was extensive, with both sisters bearing sons who were later to become pharaohs.

Last change
5 December 201123:27:19
Author of last change: Danny