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Pharaoh of Egypt (2163-2161 BC) Neferkawhor (Neferkauhor) Khuwihap + … …

Facts and events


Neferkawhor Khuwihap was a pharaoh of Egypt in the 8th Dynasty (2181-2160 BC), second of five dynasties in the First Intermediate Period.

His name is attested on the Abydos King List as the penultimate king of the Old kingdom, but not on the Turin Canon where his name is lost in a lacunae - although his reign length is preserved there. Neferkauhor is by far the most well attestedof all early First Intermediate Period kings, because he left behind the Koptos Decree stela which names Shemay as his Vizier in Upper Egypt.

Last change
1 March 201120:21:22
Author of last change: Danny