The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Theobald IV Count of Blois

Theobald IV Count of Blois 1152
Maud of Carinthia
Stephen II Henry Count of Blois & Chartres 1102
Adela of Normandy 10621137
Theobald III Count of Blois 10121089
Garsinde du Maine
Odo II Count of Chartres, Champagne, & Blois 9831037
Matilda (Maud) of Normandy 1006
Ermengarde of Auvergne
Odo I Count of Blois 950
Bertha of Burgundy 9521035
Richard I Duke of Normandy (942-996) 933996
Emma 962
Gunnora de Crepon 1031
King of England (1066-1087), Duke of Normandy (1035-1087) William I The Conqueror 10271087
Mathilda of Flanders 10311083
Robert I Duke of Normandy (1028-1035) 10001035
Arletta (Herleve) 1050
Richard II Duke of Normandy (996-1027) 9631027
Judith of Brittany 9741018
Papia of Envermeu
Fulbert of Falaise
Doda 980
Baldwin V Count of Flanders 10121067
Adelisa of France
Baldwin IV Count of Flanders 9871035
Ogive of Luxemburg
King of France (996-1031) Robert II 9721031
Rosella (Suzanna) of Italy 1003
Bertha of Burgundy 9521035
Constance of Arles (also of Provence) 9861034