The Children of Adam and Eve

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Interactive tree of Hon. George Gould Morgan

Hon. George Gould Morgan 18451907
Charles Morgan Robinson Morgan 17921875
Rosamund Mundy Baroness Tredegar (1859-1883) 1883
Charles Gould Morgan 17601846
Mary Margaret Stoney 1808
Sir Charles Gould Morgan 1st Baronet Morgan (1792-1806), PC 1806
Jane Morgan 17311797
King Gould
Thomas Morgan 17021769
Jane Colchester 1767
Captain George Stoney 1786
Thomas Stoney 17141764
Mary Humphreys
General Godfrey Basil Mundy 18011848
Sarah Brydges Rodney 17801871
Admiral George Brydges Rodney 1st Baron Rodney of Rodney Stoke 17181792
Jane Compton 17301757
Henrietta Clies 17391829
Hon. Charles Compton 1755
Mary Lucy 17091709
John Clies