The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of King of Macedon (323-317 BC) Philip III Arrhidaeus

King of Macedon (323-317 BC) Philip III Arrhidaeus 359 BC317 BC
Philip II 382 BC336 BC
Princess of Illyria Audata
Phila of Elimeia
Nicesipolis of Pherae
Philinna (Philine) of Larissa
Olympias 375 BC316 BC
Meda of Odessa
Cleopatra Eurydice of Macedon
Arsinoe of Macedon
Amyntas III
Eurydice I 407 BC
Sirras 437 BC
Neoptolemus I 357 BC
Alcetas I 390 BC370 BC
Tharrhypas 430 BC392 BC
King of Getae Cothelas (Gudila)